公司简介Company Profile

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上海开云官网医药玻璃有限公司主要经营 :玻璃制品 ,药用包装材料 ,橡塑制品专业领域内的“四技”服务 ,销售玻璃制品 ,药用玻璃瓶 ,药用包装材料 ,橡塑制品,制药机械(涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)等产品 。公司尊崇“踏实 、拼搏 、责任”的企业精神 ,并以诚信 、共赢 、开创经营理念 ,创造良好的企业环境 ,以全新的管理模式 ,完善的技术 ,周到的服务 ,卓越的品质为生存根本 ,开云官网始终坚持用户至上 用心服务于客户 ,坚持用自己的服务去打动客户 。

开云官网玻璃公司主要产品有三大系列 ,管制玻璃瓶 ,模制玻璃瓶和塑料内托 。管制玻璃瓶主要包括管制注射剂瓶 、低硼硅口服液瓶 、安瓿瓶 、管制西林瓶等 ;模制玻璃瓶主要包括模制抗生素瓶(棕色和白料) 、棕色糖浆玻璃瓶 、输液瓶 、棕色片剂广口玻璃瓶 、日化瓶(精油瓶 、香水瓶 、指甲油瓶)等 ;塑料内托主要有口服液托盘 ,水针托 , ,食品托 ,植绒托等 。这些产品适用于制药工业粉针 、水针 、输液 、口服液 、冻干 、生物制剂 、片剂等不同药品制剂及食品 、化妆品的包装需要 。

上海开云官网医药玻璃有限公司生产各种玻璃瓶 ,塑料托盘 。产品销往哈药集团制药六厂 ,吉林敖东药业集团等全国30个省市的医药保健品行业 ,部分产品还远销印度 、巴基斯坦 ,马来西亚、韩国等国家或地区 ,受到用户的一致好评 。公司产品完全按照GMP医药标准生产 ,于2002年取得《药品包装材料和容器注册证》 ,并通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证 。
开云官网玻璃与您共创美好未来 ,开云官网药瓶 ,瓶瓶安安 !

Shanghai Xin Kang Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd. mainly engaged in: glass products, pharmaceutical packaging materials, rubber products in the professional field of "four skills" services, sales of glass products, medicinal glass bottles, medicinal packaging materials, rubber products, pharmaceuticals Machinery (involving the license to operate with a permit to operate) and other products. The company respects the entrepreneurial spirit of "pragmatic, hard working and responsible", and based on integrity, win-win cooperation, creating business philosophy and creating a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, good service and excellent quality as the basis for survival We always adhere to the user first and foremost to serve customers, insist on using their services to impress customers.

Xin Kang glass company's main products are three major series, control glass bottles, molded glass bottles and plastic care care. Controlled glass bottles mainly include controlled injection bottles, low borosilicate oral liquid bottles, ampoules, controlled vials, etc .; molded glass bottles mainly include molded antibiotics bottles (brown and white), brown syrup bottles, infusion bottles, brown Tablets wide-mouth glass bottles, bottles of daily (essential oil bottles, perfume bottles, nail polish bottles), etc .; plastic care mainly oral liquid tray, water pin care ,, food care, flocking care. These products are suitable for pharmaceutical industry needles, water needles, infusion, oral solution, lyophilized, biological agents, tablets and other pharmaceutical preparations and food, cosmetics packaging needs.

 Shanghai Xin Kang Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd. produces glass bottles, plastic trays. The products are sold to pharmaceutical and healthcare products industries in 30 provinces and cities such as Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceutical Factory, Jilin Aodong Pharmaceutical Group, etc. Some of the products are also exported to countries and regions such as India, Pakistan, Malaysia, South Korea and so on, and are well received by users . Company's products in full accordance with the GMP medical standards of production, in 2002 made "drug packaging materials and containers registration certificate" and passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification.

Xinkang glass welcome your contact!


Shanghai Xin Kang Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd.

电话/tel :(86) 21-56905698

传真/fax :(86) 21-55152729 


地址/add :上海市四平路773号103室
Room 103, No.773, SiPing Road HongKou district,shanghai,China
